Sunday, February 6, 2011

Forrest Gump (1994)

My Rank : ***** (Recommended!!! You Must Watch It!!)

Have you seen this moviee??
yups..this movie is very Indonesia, we call it "Jadul". Im so amaze with this movie !! this story is awesome.

This movie tell us about the young boys that struggle with his life. His name is Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks).

I think, i don't wanna tell U the story, cause there is so many thing that i can tell to u :)

so, just watch it by your self, and U can amaze sama like me :)


Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him. -IMDB

Reference :

Green Hornet (2011)

My Rank : ***** (Recommended!!!)

Setelah kematian ayahnya, Britt Reid, pewaris perusahaan besar ayahnya, bergabung dengan Kato (asisten ayahnya) yang akhir-nya menjadi penumpas kejahatan memerangi gangster di Los Angeles.-IMDB

Saya suka film ini!
Sebelumnya aku belum pernah membaca buku atau komik atau apapun itu mengenai Green Hornet. Film ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang menginginkan keadilan di kota itu. Ayahnya adalah kepala sebuah koran dan dibunuh oleh seorang Major di kota itu yang bersekongkol dengan sebuah ganfster. Reid berpikir bahwa ayahnya mati karena alergi dengan sengatan lebah, yang kemudian mendorongnya untuk menjadi pahlawan bagi kotanya.

Reid bertemu dengan Kato beberapa mekanik dan pembuat kopi (Kato sangat cerdas dan ahli dalam seni bela diri) dan meminta Kato untuk bergabung dengan dia, dan menjadi pahlawan pembasmi kejahatan. Jadi Kato membantu dia untuk membuat beberapa senjata dan mobil, termasuk masker.

Di tengah film ini, banyak puncak cerita yang menarik dan saya pikir durasi film ini cukup lama. Film ini sangat lucu, menarik dan mengajarkan kita tentang persahabatan.

Tonton segera film ini! :)


Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.-IMDB

I love this film so much!
I was never read about the Green Hornet comic or books or something else before. But i'm guarantee you will be like to watch it !

This film tells about some guys that want some justice at his town. His father is some head-journalist and killed by some public major that want to rule the town. This guys thinks that his father that by hornet sting, until He want to be a hero for his town.

Reid met with Kato some mechanic and a cofee maker (Kato very smart and expert in martial arts) and ask Kato to join with him, to be a hero. So Kato help him to create some weapon and cars, including the mask.

In the middle of movie, theres many climacs and i think the duration is long enough. This movie is funyy and tell us about the friendship.

I think you must watch it soon!! :)

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