Friday, August 26, 2011

2012 (2009)

My Rank : **** (Nice Animation!)

Seorang ahli geologi Dr Adrian menemukan tanda-tanda bahwa bumi ini akan mengalami radiasi dari lidah api badai matahari. Ia kemudian mencari cara untuk menginformasikannya kepada presiden US. Gejala tersebut akan menyebar hingga ke seluruh dunia.

Curtis adalah seseorang yang menyadari bahwa bumi ini akan mengalami kiamat. Ia kemudian bergegas membawa seluruh keluarganya untuk pergi ke sebuah negara. negara tersebut sudah membangun sebuah fasilitas untuk mengangani bencana alam seperti ini. Bangunan tersebut dapat menampung banyak orang. Satu-satu nya jalan untuk pergi ke negara tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan transportasi udara.

Banyak sekali halangan dan rintangan selama mereka tiba di fasilitas milik pemerintah. Apakah mereka bisa selamat menghadapi bencana alam tersebut?
Just watch it! :)


Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed. Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build "arks" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.

A geologist Dr. Adrian found signs that the earth will experience radiation from solar storms flames. He then finding a way to inform the president of the U.S.. Symptoms will be spread throughout the entire world.

Curtis is someone who realizes that the earth will experience the apocalypse. He then rushed the whole family to go to a country. the country has built a facility for natural disasters like this mengangani. The building can accommodate many people. The one his way to go to that country is to use air transport.

There are so many barriers and obstacles as long as they arrive at the government-owned facilities. Whether they can survive natural disasters?
Just watch it! :)

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