Saturday, August 27, 2011

Harry Potter 7 Part 2 : Deathly Hallows

My Rank : ***** (Satisfied !! Nice story )

Pada bagian ini, JK Rowling menceritakan masa lalu Harry Potter sehingga membuat kita mengetahui penyebab terjadinya semua kejadian ini.

Harry Potter dan kawan-kawan nya mulai mencari Horcrux Voldemort yang tersisa dengan bantuan Goblin. Harry Potter akhirnya kembali ke Hogwarts dan mengumpulkan teman-teman untuk menyerang Voldemort.

Saat semua Horcrux sudah berhasil dihancurkan, Voldemort yang tidak sabar mulai menyerang Hogwarts, dan meminta untuk menyerahkan Harry Potter agar berduel dengannya. Mampukah Harry Potter mengalahkan Voldemort? Kisah apakah yang ada dibalik masa lalu Harry Potter ? Semuanya akan dijelaskan di film ini..
Just watch it! :)


In this section, JK Rowling told Harry Potter's past to make us know the cause of all these events.

Harry Potter and his friends began to search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes with the help of Goblin. Harry Potter finally returned to Hogwarts and gather friends to attack Voldemort.

When all has been successfully destroyed Horcruxes, Voldemort's impatience began to attack Hogwarts, and asked to submit to a duel with Harry Potter. Can Harry Potter defeated Voldemort? The story is that the past is behind Harry Potter? Everything will be explained in this movie ..
Just watch it! :)

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